Field Level Hazard Assessment

Field Level Hazard Assessment

Course Description

Course Outline

As Hazard Recognition and Control allow an organization to identify hazards in the workplace and implement policies and programs to reduce exposure to these hazards. This session takes the concept to the factory, job site, or workplace floor, and does so as part of a daily process. At the completion of the session participants will understand:

  • The variety of systems and techniques which are available
  • What a Field Level Hazard Assessment (FLHA) involves
  • How the JHA, JSA. Fit into your safety systems
  • The uses of FLHA in any work environment
  • The requirement of being objective in any system you use

Duration: 4 hours

Certification is good for 3 years.

Course Registration

Registering For Field Level Hazard Assessment

Thank you for your interest in our course.  Please fill out the following information and we will provide more information after your registration.